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Non-profit Security Grant Program – National Security Supplemental

What is NSGP-NSS?

The Homeland Security Non-Profit Security Grant Program – National Security Supplement (NSGP-NSS) was authorized by Congress to bolster nonprofit security and protect those organizations facing an elevated threat level due to Israel Hamas war. NSGP-NSS is a competitive grant appropriated through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and
administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It is intended to help nonprofit organizations increase their physical security posture against acts of terrorism as defined by law.


  • Recipient: A non-Federal entity that receives a Federal award directly from a Federal awarding agency to carry out an activity under a Federal. The New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NMDHSEM) is the Recipient.
  • Sub-applicant: A non-Federal entity applying to NMDHSEM for assistance under NMDHSEM’s Federal award
  • Pass-through entity: A non-Federal entity that provides a sub-award to an Applicant to carry out part of a Federal award. NMDSHEM is the passthrough entity.
  • Subrecipient: A sub-applicant that receives a sub-award from a pass-through entity to carry out part of a Federal award

How to qualify for this grant:

  • Work with NMDHSEM to identify if they have met the state required sub application requirements in addition to what FEMA requires in the federal Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
  • Write your mission statement on official letterhead, if available, specifying the “who, what and why” of your organization (FEMA NOFO requirement). This must be submitted to NMDHSEM.
  • Conduct and/or review your Vulnerability Assessment to assist in identifying the threats, vulnerabilities and consequences of terrorist attacks at your facility and any supporting documents (e.g., police or insurance reports)
    (FEMA NOFO requirement). Sub-applicants should use this information to complete FEMA’s required Investment Justification form.
  • Complete the Investment Justification (FEMA NOFO requirement). An Investment Justification can only be for a single physical address for your facility at the time of application; any equipment requested in this Investment Justification should be directly linked to the threats, vulnerabilities, and potential consequences of events as described in the Vulnerability Assessment mentioned above.
  • Nonprofit organizations must be occupying and fully operational out of the facility listed in their Vulnerability Assessment and Investment Justification at the time of application to be eligible for funding.

Key Changes:

  • Can request up to $200,000 per location/physical site/address up to three
    sites and may not exceed these limits.
  • There is no prohibition on applying to the NSGP-NSS if you have received previous NSGP funding or been rejected from receiving NSGP funding in the past years.
  • A multiplier of a factor of four will be applied for nonprofit organizations facing heightened threat resulting from Israel-Hamas war (supplicants must draw a clear connection between the heightened threat they face and the Irael-Hamas war in their project narratives to qualify for this multiplier). Note: This multiplier is specific to the NSGP-NSS funding opportunity only.
  • Organizations facing a heightened threat resulting from the Israel-Hamas war will also be prioritized during the final scoring process.
  • Organizations that are at risk due to their ideology, beliefs, or mission are prioritized.
  • Organizations located in a disadvantaged community (based on the Climate and Economic Justice and Screening Tool) are prioritized.
  • See section on Consortium Applications in the NMDHSEM 2024 NSGP-NSS Funding Announcement and Methodology. Eligible nonprofit organizations may apply through NMDHSEM as a group of sub applicants, or a consortium.

Important Dates

  • November 27, 2024: Release of NSGP-NSS 2024 State Funding Announcement and Allocations Methodology, and Application
  • January 3, 2025: FY24 NSGP-NSS Application due to NMDHSEM by close of business, 5:00 p.m.
  • January 6-10, 2025: NM DHSEM Review of Investment Justifications and Request for Information (RFI) process.
  • January 13 -17, 2025: NSGP-NSS Investment Justifications Review Process
  • January 24, 2025: NM DHSEM State FY24 NSGP-NSS Application due to FEMA
  • 45-60 days following FEMA’s award of funds to State; award and denial letters sent to applicants
  • 45-60 days following FEMA’s award of funds to State; Sub-grants awarded to the applicants (sub-applicants will be sent only after FEMA awards the grant to the State)

2024 NSGP-NSS Webinar