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Active Procurement Opportunities

Current Procurement Opportunities with New Mexico DHSEM

Request for Proposal: Private Property Debris Removal Monitoring 

The purpose of the Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for post-disaster Private Property Debris Removal Monitoring Services. The services are intended to support ongoing post-disaster response efforts in federally declared counties and Tribal jurisdictions which request the State’s assistance with post-disaster debris removal and erosion control operations, including for any subsequent applicable declared disaster, in qualifying affected areas for federal assistance. Authorized Federal assistance is expected to be reimbursable through FEMA Public Assistance Category A projects for debris removal.

To be reimbursable, all debris removal services must be consistently monitored and tracked to verify compliance; the contractors selected under this RFP will fulfill this responsibility by overseeing, documenting, and inspecting debris removal operations to ensure compliance with regulations, improve efficiency, and maintain complete records for the State of New Mexico’s Full-Service Debris Removal Program. These services are focused on contract compliance, not professional engineering. All participants must adhere to FEMA’s Public Assistance Debris Monitoring Guide (March 2021) and relevant federal, state, and local regulations.

Download Entire RFP Packet

Private property debris removal monitoring