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Fire Training Academy

New Mexico Fire & EMS Expo

Join us at the New Mexico Firefighters Academy for the annual Fire and EMS Expo October 23-27, 2024! 

Agenda includes classes, live fire, hands on skills, networking, vendors, awards, and a memorial event. 

Academy Training Schedule

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 The Academy is dedicated to meeting the needs of a complex and dynamic fire service by providing programs of the highest quality. The New Mexico Firefighters Training Academy’s objectives and goals are: (1) to provide training programs designed to develop the basic and advanced skills necessary for students to be more effective members of the fire service and society; (2) to provide the best instruction and training possible in all areas of the fire service; (3) to serve the public at large by providing education services, training, and counseling; and (4) to provide a means to allow firefighters to demonstrate their ability to meet professional qualification standards.

The New Mexico Firefighters Training Academy was created as a part of the State Fire Marshal’s Office by legislative action in 1987. A state-of-the-art facility was constructed in Socorro, and its doors were opened to our state’s firefighters in January 1989. The Academy is currently a Bureau of the State Fire Marshal’s Office, which falls under DHSEM. The Academy’s mission is to meet the needs of a complex and dynamic fire service by providing training programs of the highest quality. The primary objective is to develop the basic and advanced skills necessary for emergency responders to best serve the citizens and guests of New Mexico.

Approximately 4,000 first responders are trained each year by the Academy’s permanent staff, guest instructors, and a cadre of adjunct instructors from fire departments throughout the state. Although the majority of the students are members of the 700+ fire departments in the state, many come from other states, Indian Nations, the private sector, and Mexico.

Currently, the Academy offers a broad array of fire-related courses ranging from entry-level to advanced management for chief officers. In addition to fire suppression classes, there are courses in various technical rescue, hazardous materials, terrorist response, instructor qualifications, and business management. The Academy also provides courses in specialized training through partnerships with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Fire Academy. Classes are conducted throughout the state, as well as on the Socorro campus. Some larger fire departments with their own local academies also send their students to the state’s facility to use the specialized burn props for the most realistic training experience possible.

Courses are designed to meet standards created by the National Fire Protection Association and to assist the local fire departments in complying with mandatory training requirements set by the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Classes meeting those standards provide the fire service with certification programs to judge a firefighter’s ability and performance level. The Academy’s certification programs are accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress.

In addition to assisting fire departments ability to provide qualified emergency responders, the Academy’s efforts also benefit the state’s citizens directly in regard to their insurance costs. The cost of fire insurance for a local area is often based on rating provided by the Insurance Services Organization. Much of that rating decision relies on the ability of the fire department to provide adequate response with fire suppression capabilities and training records are reviewed in the grading process.

For additional information about the Academy and the training opportunities provided, please contact us at 1-800-734-6553.

Map of New Mexico with Instructor Districts indicated.
Instructor Contact Information 

Austin Meuli, CTO

Academy Director
505-629-3990, autin.mueli@dhsem.nm.gov 

David Klein

Instructor Coordinator, Districts 2 & 4
505-670-3193, david.klein@dhsem.nm.gov

Tim Heidrick

Instructor Coordinator, Districts 4 & 6
505-629-2634, tim.heidrick@dhsem.nm.gov 

Kevin Williams

Interim Training Operations Manager
505-469-4803, kevin.williams@dhsem.nm.gov 

Louis Bencomo

Instructor Coordinator, Districts 3 & 5
505-659-7457, louis.becomo@dhsem.nm.gov 

John Foley

Instructor Coordinator, Districts 1 & 3
505-379-8992, john.foley@dhsem.nm.gov 

Mailing Address

600 Aspen Road
Socorro, New Mexico 87801


Telephone: (575) 835-7500
In-state Toll-Free: 1-800-734-6553
Fax: (575) 835-7506