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Preparedness for Residents

Disasters can happen anywhere – even in New Mexico. Every community in New Mexico is vulnerable to both man-made and natural disasters, including flash flooding, wildfires, drought, thunderstorms, and major attacks. No one can stop natural disasters from occurring, but we can limit the impact they have on our communities.

Think of emergency preparedness as a “quality of life” issue. Proper planning, preparation, and practice will help you and your family be more comfortable when faced with an emergency. The most important factor is communication. Every member of your family needs to be involved in planning so that when disaster strikes, everyone will know what to do and where to meet.

Once your family plan is complete – don’t forget to practice! Just like you did when you were in school, organize household fire drills, flooding drills, and similar exercises as often as possible. Then, share your family plan with your neighbors and help them plan for their family.

Learn more and get resources at Ready.gov.