Natural Hazard and Mitigation Professional Services
TITLE: Natural Hazard Mitigation Professional Services
RFP# 21-795-0000-0245 for Hazard Mitigation Professional Services has been awarded on 5/26/21 to the following vendor:
Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.
Deadline for Protest:
Any protest by an Offeror must be timely submitted and in conformance with §13-1-172, NMSA 1978 and applicable procurement regulations. As a Protest Manager has been named in this Request for Proposals, pursuant to §13-1-172, NMSA 1978 and NMAC, ONLY protests delivered directly to the Protest Manager in writing and in a timely fashion will be considered to have been submitted properly and in accordance with statute, rule and this Request for Proposals. The 15 calendar day protest period shall begin on the day following the notice of award of contract(s) and will end at 5:00 pm Mountain Standard Time on the 15th day. Protests must be written and must include the name and address of the protestor and the request for proposal number. It must also contain a statement of the grounds for protest including appropriate supporting exhibits and it must specify the ruling requested from the party listed below. The protest must be delivered to:
Matthew Stackpole, General Counsel and Protest Manager
New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management PO Box 27111
Santa Fe, NM 87502
PURPOSE: To assist the State in the implementation of the Natural Hazard Mitigation Program.
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of professional services to include: mitigation sub-grant and grant application review, analysis, and technical assistance; oversight of sub-grant agreements and grants: local and tribal mitigation plan review; updating the State Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan; notification letters for grant availability; recommendations for state-wide program improvements; mitigation training for the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NMDHSEM) staff, communities, tribes, and state agencies; program and policy analysis and improvements; and tracking and reporting for both grant and sub-grant activities. Work performed will be part of State Management Cost implementation and FEMA’s Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance Programs.
GENERAL INFORMATION: All questions about the RFP shall be directed to:
Sarah Peterson, Procurement Manager
Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Telephone: 505-490-1378
The Request for Proposals will be issued on January 19, 2021.
Proposals must be received by the Project Manager no later than 5:00pm MST, February 16, 2021.
Proposals received after the due date and time will not be accepted.
(updated 3/24/2021)
As per RFP Section II.B.8, proposals have been received from the following bidders;
- Innovative Emergency Management, Inc.
- Witt O’Brien’s, LLC
- Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.
View and Download Documents
As per RFP Section II.B.3., the public log of potential Offerors that attended the pre-proposal conference can be downloaded here.
RFP – Questions and Answers
As per RFP Section II.B.3., responses to questions can be downloaded here.
As per RFP Section I.G., Amendment #1 can be downloaded here.