


Approval by the local community Floodplain Administrator is required before construction or development begins within any Special Flood Hazard Area. If FEMA has not defined the Special Flood Hazard Area within a community, the community shall require permits for all proposed construction or other development in the community including the placement of manufactured homes, so that it may determine whether such construction or other development is proposed within flood-prone areas. Approval by the local community Floodplain Administrator is required to ensure that proposed development projects meet the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program and the community’s floodplain management ordinance. The table below provides the Floodplain Administrator or floodplain management point of contact information for the 104 New Mexico communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. ​Please contact your community floodplain point of contact with questions about permitting and regulations.

How Do I Know If I Live in a Floodplain?

Flood Insurance Link

Additional Flood Information

For Additional Information please contact:

Dr. Jeremy Klass
Recovery and Mitigation Bureau Chief
NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
13 Bataan Blvd., Santa Fe, NM 87508
