Statement from DHSEM Secretary Bianca Ortiz-Wertheim on the 2nd Anniversary of the Mass Shooting in El Paso

“New Mexico and the city of El Paso have always been connected by our families, our culture, and the centuries-long history that we share. Two years ago, New Mexico grieved with El Paso as 23 innocent people lost their lives in the deadliest attack on Latinos in modern US history. They were parents, children, neighbors, and friends who had every right to feel safe in their community.

We know El Paso was targeted because of its vibrant culture and proud Latino communities. We know the shooter was inspired by conspiracy theories and toxic racial rhetoric. And we know from our nation’s top security experts that this type of homegrown, hate-fueled terrorism is now the greatest threat to our homeland security.

We will always mourn this loss, and we can never forget that fearmongering and misinformation put real lives in danger. New Mexico stands with the people of El Paso, finding strength in our diversity and reaffirming that prejudice and violence have no place in our society.

El amor todo lo puede.”